Change My Yahoo Mail Language English

change my yahoo mail language english

Universidad de Guadalajara, Mexico, E-mail: Teachers of English as a Foreign Language (EFL) have tended to downplay the use of .. Trainees opted to redesign the worksheet without any intervention on my part. -to talk about how new technology has changed (e.g., the words TV and.

Please ask this question on Auxlang where a full debate can take place. Danka so.

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The reason is that Alexandre is raising this issue on every list he can get into, and this is disruptive to the workings of specialist lists. And to be frank, he is driving me up the wall and round the bend by constantly raising this issue in different forums.

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Many thanks. Hi James and hi all. Rather than speaking and respeaking fruitless about the same, I'll explain change my yahoo mail language english actual extralinguistick background on this issue.

To make big bussinesses around the world, English, this language wich I dislike, is nearly enough. There's always local translators, if paid. To work in the field of human rights, as I do, definitely no. We do know Amnesty International, Greenpeace and so on. These organizations, of course, are ruled by English-speakers, and we, the other, have a subordinated role in them. English is the sole global working language in Amnesty International, Greenpeace and so on.

Mostly, human rights groups and progressive organizations have English and only English as international labour language. This doesn't work at all. We do need a common and easy language to work internationally pro human rights. But the language must be accessible now, not after five years, and it must be always changeable and enhanceable straightforward by users, according on needs and principles of human rights.

We, engaged ones on human rights, want a language to use it, not just to discuss about it, and even the creation stage must be really, not only formally, open to all interested people.

change my yahoo mail language english

To do otherwise acts, of course, against the basic human right to participate in the affairs which the individual is concerned with.

The ellaboration of such a language only among English-speakers simply disrupts this basic human right, thus invalidating the process.

With you or without you, Anglos, we'll construct democratically such a language, open in construction and use from the beginning to us, the overwhelming majority of mankind who doesn't speak English well or just don't speak English. Of course you, Anglos, can participate in the process, but no privileges for you. Translation change my yahoo mail language english my broken English into Spanish. Change my yahoo mail language english a James y a todos.

Mejor que hablar y repetir infructuosamente lo mismo, explicaré el trasfondo extralingüístico actual sobre el tema. Para hacer grandes negocios en el mundo, suele bastar el inglés, este idioma que me niego a usar. Para trabajar en el campo de los derechos humanos, definitivamente que no.

De modo predominante, los grupos de derechos humanos y las organizaciones progresistas tienen el inglés y sólo el inglés como lengua internacional de trabajo. Esto no funciona para nada. Pero la lengua debe estar accesible ahora, no después de cinco años, y debe ser siempre modificable y mejorable directamente por sus hablantes, de acuerdo a las necesidades y los principios de los derechos humanos. Nosotros, los que estamos comprometidos con los derechos humanos, deseamos un idioma para usarlo, no simplemente para tratar o discutir del propio change my yahoo mail language english.

Ya la propia etapa de creación de tal idioma debe estar abierta a todos los interesados, y no sólo formalmente sino en realidad. Alexandre Xavier Casanova Domingo. Below appears my translation into Spanish from James Chandler's good English. Tengo que hacer una petición. Muchas gracias. Having just replied to Bjorns personal note, I am beginning to feel that the disruption Alexandre is causing is so severe, that all owners of specialist lists ought to ban him, if he wont restrict his crusade to Auxlang voluntarily.

I am therefore considering excluding him from Eurocreole. Hi James and hi you all. I leave the list Eurocreole. Basically, to not be removed from it by James Chandler, the owner. As it's very known in lists about planned languages, he wants to silent me and he preaches my exclussion from as many such lists as possible. If I don't leave the list, he will kick out me very soon.

He openly expresses here that he's considering my ban: "I am therefore considering excluding him from Eurocreole. I leave the list Eurocreole, but it don't leave the idea of Eurocreole, an idea which isn't an exclusive property by James Chandler, nor is copyrighted, either.

The two lists are democratic, without exclussions. They're complementary; the first Freuropidgin is for everybody, and likely will stand mainly for native English-speakers; the second Europichin is only for Spanish speakers interested by Europidgin.

Eurocreole isn't a direct goal of these two lists, but it can be freely discussed and promoted in them, as any other auxiliary language. If there's another people interested in Eurocreole, the foundation of a new list on Eurocreole, a democratic list and open to all languages, would be also interesting.

I myself am not interested in a list on Eurocreole only by English language. Below appears the description of both lists. Lingua Franca Nova is simple, consistent, and easy to learn.

It has a number of positive qualities: The vocabulary is rooted in modern Romance languages, completely regular grammar, phonetical spelling, and limited number of phonemes. The goal of the Lingua Franca Project is to establish a community of people speaking a lingua franca for Europe and the change my yahoo mail language english.

The base is Lingua Franca Nova, but the project doesn't depend upon George Boeree, nor is "authorized" by him. The project is also called Europidgin Project. All the other languages are accepted but not encouraged in this list, Freuropidgin Free Europidgin. Usually unless copyright issues would prevent it the name of the projected language will be "europidgin". Personal attacks here aren't allowed; but the freedom to dissent is complete.

The list is democratic, owned by all users, and the big decissions guidelines, deletion of messages, throwing out of a member, unfounding of the list, and so on can only be taken by votation of the members. Lingua Franca Nova esan simpla ei fasila de aprendar. Le aban varios cualitatos bona: Una listo de parolos vera fundada en la linguos neoromana, una gramatico vera regula, escribata como le sonan, ei una numero limitata de fonemos.

La ojeto de la projeto Lingua Franca Nova esan fundar una comunitato de popolo parlanta una linguo franca par Europo ei la mondo. La projeto aban inspirasiono en la laboro de Jorjo Bureo, ma non dependan de cuesa autoro, ni esan "autorisata" de elo. La nomo tipica de la linguo projetata eson, en la futuro, "europijino".

El objetivo del Projecto Lingua Franca Nova es establecer una comunidad de gente que hable una lengua franca para Europa y para el mundo. El proyecto se llama también Proyecto Europichin. En esta lista, Europichin, se acepta también que escriban en castellano. No se permiten ataques personales aquí, pero hay una total libertad para discrepar. I have been giving a lot of thought to the ambiguity identified by Nick in my system: li telefon le telefon telefon so I have been putting these patterns together in my head and occasionally on paper for a year or two now, but this problem did not occur to me which is why this group is so valuable!

I have decided that the above system is so good, and so central to the language as a whole, that I would not want to change it. I am quite attached to the short possessive construction, and would be reluctant to lose it. Sorry to dwell on this, but I have been giving some more thought to the ambiguity arising from the double meaning of 'mi telefon' my telephone or, I telephone In my initial post on this subject I gave the example: li kasa de li amike de li patro de mi and pointed out that: li kasa de li amike de mi patro is significantly shorter.

Looking at this sentence again, I am beginning to think that if there is any excess weight in there it is the 'li's, not the 'de's. The articles dont seem to add anything to the overall meaning of the sentence, as we can see my omitting them: kasa de amike de patro de mi 'my father's friend's house' I am having another look at Chinese at the moment, and that also makes me wonder about the necessity of having any articles at all in a simple isolating language.

This is intimately tied to the question of the short possessive construction, since the def.

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I would like to propose that we dispense with both the def. This now seems to me to be a real simplification, and also makes the average sentence significantly shorter.

I commend it to the group. I think this is a change my yahoo mail language english idea. We have already discussed the negative particle 'non', which immediately precedes the word it negates as in ClasLat, Chinese etc. It is useful to have a separate form for the response 'no', for which we can take the usual IAL form 'no': Ku vu veni de Bruxelles?

No, mi non veni de la. Do you come from Brussels? No, I dont come from there. For the affirmative we can take the form 'ya' from Germanic languages: Ku vu vada a butike? Ya, mi vada a la nu. Are you going to the shops? Yes, I am going there now. We can use the same form as an emphatic marker: Ku vu non ave tri fem frate? Mi ya ave tri fem frate! Dont you have three sisters? I do have three sisters!

change my yahoo mail language english

Note the method of forming the negative question. I have already made use of the sex markers 'man' and 'fem'.

change my yahoo mail language english

Refreshing my acquaintance with Mandarin, I am pleased to see that it has two parallel sex particles, 'nan' and 'nu' dont ask me to mark the tones! In previous examples I have used 'fem' on its own to mean 'woman female human being '.

I now think that these particles should be stative verbal, so that they need to be followed by 'om' to indicate 'man' or 'woman': fem om - 'woman' man om - 'man' In Mandarin one can say 'nan de' for 'nan ren' 'ren' being the equivalent of our 'om'but altho our 'de' is in some ways the equivalent of Mandarin 'de' with the inverse orderit does not seem right to use a prepn. We now have the basic framework in place for the grammar of an isolating language.

The next task will be to prepare a summary or blueprint of this grammmar. The final frontier which we have not yet approached is how to provide equivalents of the various affixes in languages like Esp and Ido.

Prefixes do not present much of a problem. In general we can just adopt them as preposed particles: des agreable - 'disagreable' des konkorda - 'disagree' arki episkope - 'archbishop' mis interpreta - 'misinterpret' bo matra - 'mother-in-law' pre dikte - 'predict' ri aserta - 'reassert' eks ministre - 'ex-minister' par usa - 'use up' retro vada 'go back' dis rupta - 'disrupt' sin hare - 'hairless' vise presidente - 'vice-president' non posible - 'impossible' stif change my yahoo mail language english - 'stepfather' seudo siense - 'pseudo-science' kwasi re experimente - 'quasi-experimental' Where possible these particles can now be more mobile in the sentence.

For example, 'ri': Le pa fasa le ri - 'He did it again' Mi sta rupta le dis - 'I change my yahoo mail language english breaking it up' 'sin' is of course the prepn. Suffixes in general are more change my yahoo mail language english than prefixes.

The general trend of the system so far is that attributive elements precede the qualified word. There will be a number of different strategies for replacing the function of any of the suffixes of Esp or Ido. One of the most crucial suffixes in Ido is the adjectivalizing suffix -al. In our system the will be a lot of scope for using unmodified sbs to qualify other sbs, eg: om bebe - human baby But where the sense is clearly 'relating to', the change my yahoo mail language english 're' is available: re om siense - human science re om istorie - human history re nasion intereste - the national interest or: intereste de nasion In general the sense of 're' is similar to that of 'de': siense de om 'science de l'homme' This particle 're' can also be used as in Eng, as a prepn.

In our system we can take Nov 'fika', for use with both stative and non-stative verbs: fika ruje - redden, make red fika re ofise - officialize Le pa fika kavale kursa 'He made the horse run' This is another example of the unification of verbs and adjs in a single category. Then take the suffix -an, meaning 'inhabitant or member of'. Where the sense is inhabitant, we can simply use the region name with 'om', as in Chinese: Anglia om - Englishman Mand: Yingguo ren China om - Chinese person Mand: Zhongguo ren London om - Londoner Where the sense is 'member', we can simply use the word 'membre': membre de sosiete Ido: societano membre de liste Ido: listano For the suffixes -ism and -ist, we can do as in Eng and talk of an 'ism', and extend that to an 'ist': sosie isme - 'socialism' reforma iste - 'reformist' It is not possible in a single post to solve the whole problem of suffix replacement, but hopefully this has illustrated some of the approaches that are open to us in an isolating grammar.

Kara James, this differentiation between No and Non isn't really needed. Once you are logged in hover your mouse on the upper right portion of Microsoft Answers Home page.

Select and click your preferred language on the Language dropdown menu. Sí No. Sentimos que no te haya sido de ayuda. Al continuar navegando por este sitio, aceptas este uso. Saltar al contenido principal. JorSol88 Creado el 7 de noviembre de I'm having various issues receiving mail from outlook. I already check every posible point of problem in my mail server, but the problems seems to be directly related to hotmail servers, the servers from hotmail starts the comunication randomly when they want, sometimes I send a mail for example at then later send another mail at and I receive first change my yahoo mail language english mail sent at and later the mail, it randomly sends the mail from 5 minutes after de send to 3 or more hours.

I wish to know why hotmail servers are delaying the mail to my domain specifically, all others mail are received fine, I don't have any problem with gmail, yahoo, and others externals mails.

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